Imogen is a professional illustrator based in Sydney. Her work is often described as magical and whimsical and she loves visual story-telling. Her clients include Australia Post, La La Land Greetings, Berbay Books, Mideer Toys and Hare Raising Wines. Imogen was born and raised in England, moving to Australia in her early twenties. Since early childhood she loved to draw, and she was surrounded by paper, pencils, paints and so much inspiration thanks to her Artist mother, who used to set up still life studies for her on the dining table, with flowers, driftwood and other treasures scavenged from nature. As a child Imogen adored picture books, and remembers having a set of stories called ‘The Garden Gang’, written and illustrated by a nine year old girl, Jayne Fisher. This was so inspirational to her that she promptly set about writing and illustrating her own story which she boldly sent to Penguin publishers (her first rejection, aged 8!) That may be many years ago now, but the passion for this beautiful art form has never left her, and illustration has become Imogen’s way of expressing her own whimsical themes. Imogen completed her Master of Fine Arts specialising in drawing and printmaking. Nowadays her working method involves firstly drawing, usually in pencil, then scanning in her drawings and refining them through Adobe Photoshop, or Procreate.