Helen Nieuwendijk is an illustrator, author and artist with a lifelong passion for stories, and a love of image making. Inspired by observations of everyday life, her thought provoking works...

Ella (also known as Girl Underworld) is a neurodiverse illustrator based in Naarm/Melbourne. Diagnosed with autism as a young adult, her bright and colourful work often explores themes of space,...

Sue deGennaro was raised deep in the suburbs where drawing filled in all the spaces left behind by not having a TV. As the spaces got larger, so to did...

Minerva is an Italian born multidisciplinary artist and professional illustrator. Influenced by her childhood growing up surrounded by the vibrancy of Italy’s artistic culture and her last seven years falling...

Rowan Tallant is an illustrator and motion graphics designer. Originally from the UK, he moved with his family to locked down Melbourne in 2021. As a motion designer Rowan has...

Dean is an award winning designer and illustrator. His early work consisted of ducks and clowns, drawn on bits of old wood in the family garage, before graduating to more...

Mo lives in Sydney where she teaches art to high school students. She is also an experienced Primary Teacher. Her debut picture book comes out in October 2024 of which...

Creating children’s book illustrations brings me an incredible sense of purpose and fulfillment. The process of developing unique and vibrant graphics fills me with excitement. As a digital illustrator, I’m...